
Need help?

Text #TED to 85258 for 24/7 crisis support


Support if you, or someone you know, is having suicidal thoughts

Talk to someone and let someone that you trust know about what is going on for you, a friend, tutor or family member and tell them how you feel. It is important that you know there is always someone there for you, and you are not alone. They may be able to help you stay safe and get support for you.

If you feel that you are not able to tell someone that you know about your thoughts and feelings you can contact your GP, if you are not in immediate danger, or you can arrange an urgent community appointment with the local mental health team.

If you have feelings or thoughts that you want to end your own life, or someone you know has expressed a desire to end their life, and you believe they are in danger - ring 999, or if safe to do so take them to A&E. If you are not with them, call 999 to their location and signpost to a crisis line or website like

Link to local contacts and helplines  

Resources for people in distress and support available:


Here to listen.

Call the Samaritans on 116 123 for 24/7 support


Browser Extension

The Ripple tool discretely intercepts harmful online searches and provides signposting to 24/7, free mental health support at a time when people are most vulnerable.

Download R;pple on Google Chrome here
Download R;pple on Microsoft Edge here